5 Golden Rules of Personal Branding

✨ Be true to yourself
Don’t try to be someone you’re not. People can spot the genuine acts from the phony ones. Always put your best foot forward, but don’t be afraid to show your quirks, too. Your authentic self will help you stand out.

✨ Be true to others
Approach others not because you want to promote your brand, but because you want to build connections.  Make people feel important when they talk with you.

✨ Never stop learning
You are an expert in your industry, but you still need to continue learning. Study the latest trends or study other subject matters that will help you build your brand.

✨ Never stop giving
Personal brands get known not because they promote themselves, but because they contribute. They share their expertise with people without expecting anything in return.

✨ Engage with others
Putting yourself out there is a job half-done. Complement it with meaningful interactions with others.

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